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The Quest Company

Sep 30, 2019

Life, light. Fragile shells.

Thin protection. Inch thick steel.

Pierced now. Colors spill.

Frozen fountain. Hard pan chill.

Cold vacuum. Life, still.


In this episode:

A trap. Old crew. The RAILS.

GM: Joseph Leitess / Dr. William Stoisburger Fajitski: Joe Cash / Abraham Claiborne & Durt Crumley: Jonah M. Jackson...

Sep 12, 2019

How could we, a species of apes, ever live among the stars?

Heavy bones. Long limbs. Hair and sweat and waste.

Picture our precursors, ancient parents, huddled in caves.

Stealing glimpses of the world above. Gazing into the jeweled black.

Every night, grappling with mystery.

Every night, becoming something new.

In this...

Sep 9, 2019

What does SRKS stand for? Why, it's Super-Robo-Kaiju-Splosion, of course! 

Join our supbar super squad (The Antron Fleet, a team within the 5D Superhero Organization) as they defend the city of Skywell and at least some of its citizens from an invasion of otherworldly creatures!

GM: Jonah M. Jackson / Roxka: Sarah...